Already from the first day VELUX manufactures not only accessories and installation kits, but also cares for information of the society about the importance of healthy indoor climate, daylight and fresh air. We as professionals in the field of daylight and healthy indoor climate are aware, how important it is to start planning sufficient amount of light in the premises already in the design stage. Here we offer assistance of both our virtual applications for everyday users, as well as professional program architects. It is important to remember that VELUX roof windows let in twice as much daylight as vertical windows of the same size, achieving considerably
lighter room and improving the environments for people, who live there. Our innovative solutions allow creation of healthy indoor climate automatically. We are very proud of our VELUX ACTIVE system - it tracks humidity, CO2 and temperature levels and automatically opens and closes windows and controls accessories. The system lets you operate your windows using your smartphone. These innovations are the future of modern buildings that is available today.